Having experienced tragedy and pain as a young child, I knew I felt different. But I always knew I was being protected by angels. I could hear them, feel them, speak to them and see them at an early age.
As I reached my late teens, the betrayal of trust deepened. I shut out my angels, their love my inner voices and guidance system, and made decisions based solely on pain and fear. My angels never left me, and they continued to send their love and guidance. I chose not to listen, hear or see what they wanted me to know.
After many years, I made the decision to lift the veil of pain and fear. It was a painful process I had to endure. As a result, I began experiencing increased psychic awareness beyond what I could comprehend. The journey has been amazing.
Today I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, and clairsentient. I am a medium and a Reiki practitioner. I am a healer.
I believe these gifts of intuition are accessible to everyone. Through love and healing, you can be assured a life of joy and complete happiness. It's time to be the person you were meant to be, the person you know you can be. It's time to start making your dreams come true and living those dreams. It's time to stop surviving your past and start living your life.


"Are You Living Your Life, or Surviving Your Past? A Medium's Story of the Ascension of her gifts through the healing of Her Past"
By Karen Cesario Rizzo
Inspired by actual events
Karen Cesario Rizzo takes the reader on an inspirational journey of faith and hope in finding the path you should walk while courageously sharing her story of pain and fear. Ask, Believe, Receive - it's that simple.
- By Arlene J. Sopata
A story that touched my heart. A story that is more common than we would like to admit. A story that holds out hope and healing. A story of victory and joy. Share it with your friends as a good read. You never know who has gone through the same experience and never spoke about it. It may help them to start living life and breaking free of their past.
- By Danielle5770
Karen Rizzo offers her heart and soul to the readers in the is inspirational book. I have not only read it many times but have purchased copies for my daughter and sister who have been going through some trying times. They have passed the book on to others and it has actually saved a marriage in one instance. This book will uplift everyone and restore or reinforce our belief in our guardian angels. They are all around us if we just pay attention.
- By Amazon Customer
This is an amazing story of inspiration and promise. This book is sheer proof that with the love of God and family, one can find healing. This book is a "must-read" for everyone, but those who have suffered with a tragedy in their past, will especially find immense comfort and hope.
- By Virginia McMahan
Truly amazing and inspirational! So easy to read. Author shares simple life lessons through her story to help you embrace the message. Looking forward to the next chapter.
- By Amazon Customer
Amazing! As Karen takes us through her journey of pain, healing, love and forgiveness you will feel the author's raw emotions. This book is a compelling read that inspires us to open our hearts and minds to accept the gifts our angels bring us daily!
- By MaryAnn
Amazing and inspiring. This book helps the reader move forward and not stuck in our past. How important it is to forgive our past and ourselves. Love ourselves. Ask, Believe, Receive. Giving many out as gifts to help others. Love it.
- By Pearl

Karen Cesario Rizzo

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